Shipping is an important part of the returns experience. Allow your customers to pick a carrier of their choice right from the Returnista returns portal
Within a few minutes you will be able to offer multiple options per country and always have the local hero available. Delight your customers, check.
Returnista offers full flexibility to validate your own shipping contracts, use Returnista’s rates or make a combination that suits you best
Keeping your customers informed on the status of a return drives loyalty and has a significant impact on return-related CS tickets.
Branded Email communication on auto-pilot
Returnista offers real-time tracking and out-of-the box transactional Emails on all major carriers across Europe
Lower CS tickets from day one
Proactive communications ensures that your customer feels in control
We were looking for a platform that could easily integrate with Shopify and the better-known carriers. Returnista has all of these integrations.
CEO and Founder, Tiny Library
This novel idea aims to simplify processes, offering usersincreased efficiency and ease by removing the necessity tonavigate.